It's time to review the amount of Orland Park homes currently available for sale. We are ending our popular summer purchasing time since school will be starting for many in August. Most families have already purchased their next home. Some have already moved and some are waiting to close.
By clicking the link above you'll see that as of today's date, there are 295 single family Orland Park homes for sale. Prices start at $170,000 for a 3 bedroom, 1 1/2 bath ranch style home and go as high as $2,395,000 for a 5 bedroom, 6 1/2 bath two-story. You can see photos, some virtual tours and descriptions of all of these homes by clicking the link in the first paragraph.
Although popular Orland Park hasn't lost value like some other areas, prices have dropped and this might be your chance to buy in this sought after village. This is still a slow buyers market and sellers that have to sell are pricing their homes right, offering some lucky buyers the opportunity to get some great deals.
If you're interested in purchasing an Orland Park home give Judy Orr a call at 708-536-8200 or use the Quick Contact Form to the left.