Buyers want to search the Chicago area MLS. You can do that by clicking the red link. This MLS search is different than most you'll find on Chicago and Northern IL real estate websites.
Some like to search by clicking boxes for different areas and some like to search by map. The link above will give you the option to search either way.
You can get a list of all properties in your area and price range and will be able to view a photo and description of each one. If you want to see more then you need to register.
Registration is simple and all that is required is your name and e-mail address. You can even save searches.
If you're seriously searching for a home this is the best tool you can use with the exception of the Automated Home Finder Search. Using this requires one form to be filled out and you don't have to do anything else, just open your e-mail to see any and all new listings as they hit the market.
Playing around with the MLS search is fun and buyers always think they're missing something if they don't make their own searches. But if you're really serious and don't have time to search every single day then you need to be set up with the automated search.
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