As of this writing, there are 226 Homer Glen homes available for sale. Prices start at $172,000 for a 3 bedroom, 2 bath foreclosure in the Pebble Creek Subdivision up to $2,100,000 for an 8,100 sq. ft. home built in 2009 located in Evlyn's Gate.
That's a wide price range and shows that Homer Glen offers single family homes in all price ranges. You can be a first-time buyer or maybe you're interested in a custom, upscale home - Homer Glen has it all!
The link above will allow you to view Homer Glen listings without even having to do a search. You will get choices of price ranges if you want to drill down to the price you're qualified for. Once you see a property you're interested in, just click on it and you'll get all the details you'll need to see if it might be a home you'd like to see.
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